
We Made It!!! Celebrating Our 100th Blog

Yes, you heard it right “WE MADE IT”. When we hit the “Publish” button today, all of us at Knowzies will be on a roll and have a great celebration. You too are invited for a celebratory party as this achievement would have been impossible without you.

Yes, we made it... it's you who helped us to do so.


We publish our 100th blog post today. We hit out first century, and it I most appropriate that I begin it by giving huge thanks to all the readers of Knowzies Blog. I fall short of words as I try to express my gratitude towards all our readers, followers and well-wishers.Without your support making this mark would have been impossible and you have helped us to reach this mark.  We continuously aspire for your support. Today we have crossed a viewership of over 5000 and the journey is still on.


Months back, when we started our blog channel we were pretty unsure about how things would span out.  It is beyond our imagination that we reached this mark so fast. Thanks to the entire Knowzies blogging team, the SMEs and the amazing readers who constantly encouraged us to write. This surely is a beginning of a beautiful journey in sharing the best of the knowledge and information to our L&D and HR fraternity and we are committed to do so. Let’s enjoy this journey which started as a humble beginning.


This is a special feat for us, and we would like to thank all our supporters who liked our blogs and acknowledged our efforts. However, this post would be incomplete without mentioning those special achievements-

We Got Mentioned.....

Who Follow Us

  • Ryan Tracey - @ryantracey
  • John Leh - @JohnLeh
  • eLearning Learning - @elearningPosts

We are listed here-


Below are some our more popular posts-


eLearning Trends / Acronyms / Blogs

eLearning Authoring Tools

Mobile Learning

eLearning Development / Outsourcing / Videos

Responsive eLearning

Instructional Design Models

Learning Management System (LMS) / Moodle LMS

People Analytics

As we hit our first century, I would once again like to thank all our readers on behalf of the entire Knowzies Team and take this opportunity to invite you all to be a part of our celebrations.

If you have a passion to write and wish to join this enthusiastic team of bloggers you are most welcome. You can write back to us on and we will be happy to open a space for you.


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Knowzies Technology Solutions 
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