
5 Pivotal Steps To Convert Old Flash eLearning Into HTML5

Most of the organizations are now realizing the importance of making their e-learning content available in tablets and even in smartphones. Their main wish is to implement mobile learning and attract more aspirants. However, unfortunately, the courses on desktops cannot run on the mobile platform, in case; those are developed using Flash. As these courses are not supported by iOS versions, therefore; their usability remains limited to PC users only. Therefore, at present, it is vital to convert Flash eLearning courses into HTML5 for its easy accessibility. Want to know how? Jot down the steps mentioned below.

Steps to Convert Flash eLearning into HTML5

It will hardly take 2 to 3 weeks' time to re-create an e-learning course, which is more or less similar to flash course but in HTML5 with some authoring tools. Go through the steps for better understanding:

1. Ensuring the right source files are available

For the primary step, ensures that the source files are available. This package might include XML, .FLAs and even media files like videos and audios. It will ensure quicker and effective conversion. You need to extract media and content from some existing legacy course. You have to copy on-screen text labels of navigational buttons in the present GUI. You can copy media elements and store them in different folders.

2. Selecting the right technology or authoring tool for conversion

For the next step, you have to select authoring tools, which will be the main backbone behind the conversion of flash course into HTML5. The main aim of these tools is to help in smooth transition services of your current flash training materials into HTML5. It even helps in retaining the interactive, as adopted for e-courses. Later, after choosing the tools, you need to finalize the interactive and GUI, depending on the branding. The GUI will be more or less similar to legacy courses.

3. Suitable template identification

Now, you need to identify the present templates, which are apt for developing interactivities. Templates play a pivotal role in online course development quickly, without burning a hole in the pocket. The job of an instructional designer is made simple with necessary framework. It helps in leading consistency to courses and modifies them to look unique.

4. Doing proof of concept with short module development

One need to develop a prototype, which helps in resembling the present course structure. The chosen prototype must resemble actual course and help the clients to avail clear picture of the result. For any extra alteration and improvements, the changes will be made at initial stages. It helps in reducing the rework time and labor.

5. Development of final module and testing it on multidevice

For the last step, develop the present complete course and publish the same in HTML5 format. Here, you need proficient help from the already selected authoring tool. The organizations must handle multiple browsers and should be acquainted with the tricks of various versions.

To summarise, with the help of authoring tools, now, online courses can be well published for HTML and Flash users. The main aim of the authoring tools is to enhance flexibility to readers, and let them learn while on the move. Make sure to know the steps by heart, or else you might lose some unnecessary money in this procedure. Experts are available online for much needed help.

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