Almost half a year has gone by and individuals, organizations, families, institutes, and mankind as a whole has been finding ways to adapt to a situation that had never been foreseen.
Almost half a year has gone by and individuals, organizations, families, institutes, and mankind as a whole has been finding ways to adapt to a situation that had never been foreseen.
In interesting research published under the title, “Don’t throw away your printed books: A meta-analysis on the effects of reading media on reading comprehension”, researchers from Spain and Israel discussed the screen inferiority effect
Start. Action. Cut. Is that how you perceive video development? Well, can’t say that’s wrong as far as the popular concept of directing videos goes.
Are you evaluating the decision of where you must do you eLearning development inhouse or outsource. Here are some of the tips on benefits of custom eLearning outsourcing for you.
eLearning is important for remote onboarding. Instead of going the traditional way of listing out the importance, what if we use a scenario instead?
“Jack fell down and Broke his Crown, and Jill came tumbling after”.The lines from a rhyme that most of us chanted during childhood, but now that I look back, Jack must have been severely injured, and Jill too, considering the fact that both tumbled down the hill.