
Key Tips for Rapid eLearning Video Development

Start. Action. Cut. Is that how you perceive video development? Well, can’t say that’s wrong as far as the popular concept of directing videos goes. However, in the present-day scenario almost anybody can create a video using their phones. With Androids and iOS devices outwitting each other in terms of camera resolution, operational speed, and optimal functioning of video creation and editing apps, it is just a question of what fits the need or budget. But, would that suffice for Rapid eLearning Video development?

Truth to be told walking around with a mobile phone or video camera can create video clips or content for entertainment, but not essentially be considered a learning source. So, where do you start? Content of course! When it comes to the rapid development of eLearning videos, the right content is one of the many things that can increase the pace of development. Here are 3 key tips or the 3S for Rapid eLearning video development. 

#Tip 1: Shape

What do you need the learning content for? The answer to this gives shape to the learning content or in simpler terms helps in identifying the goals and objectives the video needs to meet. This aspect needs clarity for any eLearning project to be successful. Is it to instruct on usage of a product or to relay a particular message? Will the eLearning video be used to summarize information or to bring in behavioral change? Here’s where the idea takes shape. But considering that it is rapid eLearning video development that we are talking about, the information needs to be sorted and organized for best input and faster output.

#Tip 2: Size

A video can be anything from a GIF sized filed to a clip that run for hours. The learning need defines the size of the project. Based on the devices being put to use for accessing the learning content and the kind of audience targeted, mini-clips and chunk sized information often takes precedent, but at times the learning requirement can also call for videos that run from 10 to 30 minutes or longer. However, rapid eLearning video development is all about rapid turnaround and so it usually focuses on bite-sized information packaged into short videos that can be created-edited and optimized easily for use.

#Tip 3: Structure

This is where the major work lies, i.e. in planning how to set the narrative and content flow. Based on the equipment being put to use, it is important to decide even the tiniest detail like camera angles, prop position, and even the music requirement. Creating a storyboard is the best way to ascertain that the idea isn’t just something that looks good aesthetically but also meets the requirements conceptually. While a story like approach is often recommended for videos, direct narration, animation or even moving cut-outs with voice-over can work if the learning concept can be explained based on the actual learning requirement. Rapid eLearning video development requires a strong and well-created storyboard so that the project runs smoothly and within the set timeline.

Focusing on the above three is the sure shot way to safeguard the completion of rapid eLearning video development on time. But, the efficiency of rapid eLearning video development also lies in the budget, equipment, and knowledge in terms of video editing. The budget necessarily defines the quality of output and it is good to align it with the goals or objectives in order to get the best possible result. That is to say, if you are shooting using a phone, ensure that it utilizes the best resolution, avoid shakiness, and use an external microphone if needed. Such smaller additions along with strong editing can give satisfactory results, but there will always be a limit to what mobile camera can do.

Rapid video development doesn’t necessarily mean creating content using smaller devices, it is just about how fast the whole process can be done in comparison with an otherwise longer eLearning project. Rapid eLearning development relies on proper planning and error execution and requires experience to make up for unforeseen errors or issues. So, instead of opting for a trial and error method, it is always good to seek the help of an experienced partner when you are pinched for time.

Are you looking for consultation on how to get started with rapid eLearning development? Feel free to Get in touch.

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