
How eLearning Helps to Reduce the Onboarding Training Cost

Onboarding (/ɒnˈbɔːdɪŋ/) noun: the action or process of integrating a new employee into an organization or familiarizing a new customer or client with one's products or services. As the definition clearly states onboarding is the first stage after recruitment and orientation. According to HROnboard, onboarding each new employee costs around $400, and the process usually includes: Offer creation, Sending out paperwork, Time spent processing paperwork, Materials cost for welcome packs and contracts, and Administration time. Well then what if we skip the whole process of onboarding? Sounds easier and economical right?

However, if stats are to be believed, the average tenure at tech companies ranges from 1.8 to 7.8 years. While the constant churning continues, in some cases the dire shortage of workforce even prompts recruitment of employees who need to be specially trained to be productive. On the other hand, there a community actively vigilant about employee compliance, the routine actions etc. so much that even the slightest of mistake could be a story going viral on social media. In light of all this, onboarding becomes even more crucial, however considering the cost factor of the same the choice is often one that causes dilemma at various levels. This is where eLearning comes in. Unlike the traditional methods of onboarding-training, eLearning directly addresses the issues faced by the modern workforce, to deliver effective training at an economic price too. So, how does it reduce cost? As discussed in the post- Step Up the Onboarding Game With eLearning , it provides low-cost, flexible learning that is easily customizable. The cost reduction here works at different approaches in eLearning to achieve certain benefits too.

Localized Content-Reduced Repetition

The biggest hassle of traditional training is that the content lies scattered, either as brochures, instructional materialor few presentations etc. eLearning brings it all in one place usually with the help of a learning management system. Also, it reduces the time that goes behind repeating the same information again and again each time a batch of new recruits join. Also, with the content creation done once, the same content can be used over and over, hence making it a one-time cost, with minimum operating cost.

Better Analysis-Prompt Results

eLearning makes tracking and analytics easier and cost effective as it neither calls for separate scheduling nor the need for making physical arrangements. The presence of tests and reports to verify its effectiveness makes the whole process simpler. The onboarding process can be evaluated easily, based on the results of assessments (quizzes, tests) given after each course, and this also helps in understanding the general aptitude and learning ability of the new hires. This evaluation result can be used to compare with the ones from the general interview, and hence in determining what roles and responsibilities that can be assigned to them.

Fits the Calendar-Time Saving

eLearning can happen anywhere, at any time, on the device of choice, the time that best fits the organization’s business needs and employees schedule, hence reducing business downtime and disruption. Not to forget employee satisfaction, as eLearning provides them the freedom of choice. With eLearning, new hires can take an orientation course at their own pace, while getting started with simpler tasks and getting acquainted with the workplace without the assistance of superiors or supervisors.

No Tangible Costs-Global Reach

eLearning onboarding cuts down the need for multiple instructors, scheduled sessions, physical training room, transportation and other such expenses. It also has a global outreach, training recruits from across the globe at the same time.

In addition to all that, eLearning also assists in aspects like attendance, tracking the completion status, reminders for revisions or re-evaluations and just-in-time support too, the cost of each activity exponentially reduced. And the best part is that it provides the organization an upper hand by serving as a legal proof to meeting the industrial training/compliance standards.

The cost reduction however fundamentally depends on the relevance of the eLearning content. Custom developed eLearning that designs courses and training material keeping in mind the existing infrastructure, the actual training needs etc. can be more cost-effective than an off-the shelf version in many cases. Even the existing legacy content can be put to good use with a custom approach. The choice however lies in the actual training need.

If you are in lookout for effective onboarding solutions for your organization, just drop us a message and we will get back to you at the earliest.

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