
eLearning & Classroom Training: Getting the Blend Right

The learning landscape has been changing, that too quiet evidently over the past few years. We as eLearning service providers have often set pace to new delivery methods and new learning models, which in turn has often been influenced by the change in technology or market trends. eLearning, mLearning and classroom training stand strong despite all the changes. Ever wondered how these go hand-in-hand? This is where the blended learning approach gains popularity.

Many organizations have started the use of a blended approach and it also facilitates the current need for personalized learning. But, many still believe that it is just about using online training and classroom training alternately. Blended Learning as experts put it, “is the trainer/instructor’s ability to leverage technology to personalize and streamline the learning process to maximize the impact of training time through direct instruction.”

So, how do we create and implement a successful Blended Learning approach? To begin with, we should have a clear understanding of the models. According to The Clayton Christensen Institute, there are four common models of blended learning.

1. Rotation Model - Learning here is basically interspersed between eLearning and classroom training in form of various activities, including instructions for large and small groups, peer-to-peer activities, and self-paced eLearning or mLearning.

This model has a few variants:

  • Station Rotation - It is the same as the main model, where a balance between classroom training, and eLearning is maintained.
  • Individual Rotation - Just as it sounds this is a more personalized approach. Each learner has a specified ratio of classroom training and eLearning (or mLearning) assigned by the instructor, based on tech-driven assessments.
  • Lab Rotation - This again is an individualized process, where eLearning sets pace to learning usually in form of virtual labs/simulations. Based on the progress in eLearning the instructors then design the training plan for classroom training.
  • Flipped Classroom - a model that is being prevalently used by L&D professionals these days, flipped classroom is where eLearning sets pace to learning either as introduction or pre-study or homework and the rest of the topic is explained during the face-to-face session.

2. Flex Model - Flexible as it sounds, in this model eLearning gives the necessary outline the gaps are then filled, supported and enhanced through classroom training. Training is in fact customized depending on each learner’s caliber and the trainer/instructor.

3. A La Carte Model - This model gives more emphasis to eLearning. Entire topics are covered using eLearning or mLearning, and additional support is provided by online instructors from various locations.

4. Enriched Virtual Model - Though face-to-face interaction plays a key role here; the gaps are filled using eLearning or mLearning. The instructional schedules are usually formal, regularly scheduled instructional sessions.

Training's today do not have to be strictly formal. Informal, asynchronous learning is often said to deliver better results, the trick is to get the blend right.

The models discussed above are great ways to begin with and if not, you can always have a quick word with our learning experts.

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